Idaho Freedom PAC endorses incumbents Nichols and Gallagher, challenger Keyser ahead of 2024 primary

Idaho Freedom PAC
December 11, 2023

BOISE, ID – Three more conservative candidates for the state Legislature earned Idaho Freedom PAC’s endorsement for the May 2024 Republican primary election The latest endorsements are part of the PAC’s ongoing effort to place a spotlight on genuine conservatives in state politics, where there are many liberals pretending to be Republicans.

The first endorsement was issued for Sen. Tammy Nichols of Middleton. “Sen. Nichols is both a leader and a servant who cares deeply for the people of her district,” Idaho Freedom PAC Chair Tina DeBoer said. “Nichols has shown great courage through her career, and has remained true to conservative principles.” 

Nichols is set to face off with Lori Bishop, who recently used her own advocacy group to promote property tax hikes for Middleton residents. Bishop also joined fellow liberals by donating $100 to far-left state Rep. Steve Berch of Boise. Idaho Freedom PAC board members question why Bishop is running in the Republican primary, as she’s clearly not a conservative. 

District 9’s Rep. Jacyn Gallagher also earned the Idaho Freedom PAC’s endorsement for her re-election bid. Gallagher, in her first term, has quickly established herself as a reliable conservative in the Idaho House. She earned a 91.7% on the Idaho Freedom Index in her first year, the seventh-best score in the House of Representatives. 

“Rep. Gallagher knows what’s important: Keeping Idaho a haven of liberty and limited government, and her record reflects that,” DeBoer said. “District 9 voters would be wise to give her another term.”

Idaho Freedom PAC also endorsed political newcomer Josh Keyser of Meridian in his bid to topple Senate Pro Tem Chuck Winder. 

“Keyser has shown through our rigorous vetting process that he will remain steadfast in his principles once elected to office,” DeBoer explained. “We believe Josh understands the need for conservative fighters, and pledges to defend liberty while in office.” 

Winder’s legislative record is abysmal. His lifetime Idaho Freedom Index score, 49.4%, sits just a few points higher than those of North End Boise Democrats. His CPAC score, at 61.78%, is further confirmation that Winder is no conservative. 

Keyser’s endorsement is timely as it comes two weeks after Winder used his power as pro tem to unilaterally strip two of Idaho’s best and most conservative senators of vice chair positions. He then issued a reprimand full of lies about another conservative stalwart. Winder has threatened to punish these conservatives further if they don’t remain silent about failures in the state senate over which he presides. Supporters of free speech, including organizations such as the Idaho Freedom Foundation and the Idaho Freedom Caucus were appalled, as were other conservative activists statewide. 

“All Idahoans now see that Winder is willing to abuse his power as Pro tem to harm conservatives,” DeBoer said. “Instead of focusing on serving the people, Winder uses his office to silence his political foes.. It’s time for him to go, and Josh Keyser is the right choice to replace him.” 

Idaho Freedom PAC will release its next slate of endorsed candidates on January 10, 2023. If you’re a candidate interested in securing the Idaho Freedom PAC endorsement in your race, please email [email protected]

Idaho Freedom PAC
750 W. Bannock, Box 346
Boise, Idaho 83701
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